Yesterday was a bad day..

Yesterday, I just had one of those days. I think it was a culmination of things but just before I went to work, all I wanted to do was sink down and cry. Things just got to me. I am currently 23 weeks pregnant and I am defiantly showing….alot! I know that I am having…… Continue reading Yesterday was a bad day..

Whats been happening…

Well, sorry I haven’t been as post-y as I probably should be. As I said in my previous post, Secret news on the downlow… , my partner and I are expecting (hopefully…) bub number 2 in the new year (End of July to be precise but anyhow…). Since that post I have seen the doctor…… Continue reading Whats been happening…

Not the news I wanted…

Well, unfortunately Monday was a bad day. In fact it was a really bad day. As I mentioned in my post Nervous wait… I had an ultrasound booked as I had been bleeding for a week with no real reason. Well, that reason was made apparent at the ultrasound. I have lost our baby again….…… Continue reading Not the news I wanted…

Tea Room Chatter….

I was sitting in the tea room at work on Monday. For my break. I was sitting there with the team minding my own business and then these two ladies started talking about pregnancy, miscarriages and abortions. Now, I had been a little upset recently (as I explained in my previous post) about my miscarriage…… Continue reading Tea Room Chatter….

I just want to feel…

I just want to feel normal again. If that’s even possible. I want to not have my heart sink when I hear someone saw “Ultrasound…” Happened at work last night. I walked out of the toilets to go to start work and someone was talking and the only word I heard was that. My heart…… Continue reading I just want to feel…